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Gimme Kraft - Effective climbing training
Gimme Kraft - Effective climbing training
  • Afbeelding in Gallery-weergave laden, Gimme Kraft - Effective climbing training
  • Afbeelding in Gallery-weergave laden, Gimme Kraft - Effective climbing training

Gimme Kraft - Effective climbing training

Café Kraft
Normale prijs
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Uitverkocht Binnenkort beschikbaar
Inclusief BTW.

The training book of Patrick Matros and Dicki Korb produced by the Café Kraft! You will find about 80 specific exercises for bouldering wall, rings, slingtrainer, floor and minibar, campusboard, sloperrails, pegboard and pull-up bar to make you stronger for climbing. The book is bilingual in German and English. So is the DVD that comes together with the book and shows all exercises in motion. Furthermore you will find more than 10 ProTips from some of the world's best climbers on it in the book and on the DVD. A very special is the interview with Wolfgang Güllich's former professor Mr. Weineck. He opened his video archives for us and you can get a glimpse of Wolfgang's training attitude. We focused on an easy-to-understand approach that really motivates you for training!

Number of pages :224
Language: German, English

Alle bestellingen met een waarde van meer dan € 39,95 zullen binnen Nederland en België gratis en voor niets bij je op de deurmat ploffen! Voor kleinere bestellingen wordt € 6,95 (Nederland) of € 8,95 (België) aan verzendkosten in rekening gebracht.

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Land Tarief Land Tarief
Nederland Gratis/€6,95 Malta €34,50
België Gratis/€8,95 Monaco €25,95
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Ierland €22,50 Noorwegen €60,00
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Litouwen €30,95 Rest van de Wereld €60,00

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